
Virgo Traits

Virgos are generally service orientated and thrive on helping others in need. They are very attuned to the finer details in life and are perfectionists and love things to be done “their” way. They do have to be careful with their natural perfectionist ways as expectations can be far too high for anyone else to live up to including themselves. Overall they are highly intelligent people who don’t mind doing the hard yards to build to their success.

Virgo Birthstones:

Peridot, Clear Quartz, Amazonite, Agate 


Peridot is a believed generator of abundance and manifestation. It is thought to help remove blockages to receiving energy. As such, it opens you up to accepting abundance in all areas of life. Also, this crystal is often felt as a very positive stone. It brings an inner sense of warmth and wellbeing. Similarly, it helps in alleviating feelings of low self-esteem or guilt. In a physical sense, it is thought to help in supporting the heart and circulation.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz may encourage clarity of thought and purpose to one’s heart and mind. It works on all levels of the energetic and physical bodies. Similarly, it works along all the chakras. It may amplify any energy with which it moves into resonance, including other stones. It constantly broadcasts that energy into the Earth’s electromagnetic field. This makes it an excellent stone to use for healing, manifestation or prayer work. Also, it helps to establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance.


Amazonite’s energy is thought to be that of personal truth, allowing us to express our heart’s truth through communication. It is believed to open and clear the throat chakra. As such, it may help those who tend to repress expressing their thoughts and feelings due to fear of confrontation or conflict.


Agate is a powerful healing stone that may help to tone and strengthen the link between mind and body. It is a grounding stone but can also build up energy. Agate has been known to impart a sense of strength and courage and enhance the ability to discern the truth and accept circumstances. It is also believed to balance and stabilise the body and can enhance the effects of other stones.

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