
Sugilite Meanings

Dreams, spiritual protection and purification, becoming a beacon of light

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Transpersonal and Etheric

Element: Wind

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Sagittarius

Number: 3

Sugilite Crystal Healing Properties

Sugilite is thought to be a stone of dreams, encouraging one to believe in life’s possibilities. Sugilite is believed to help us overcome hopelessness and the feeling of having no options in one’s life. It reminds us that one can achieve anything one can dream and lends the strength and courage to manifest those dreams. This crystal is very purifying for the aura, burning away negativity, channelling and grounding high-vibrational energy. It is useful in countering nightmares, insomnia and other sleep imbalances.

History and Uses

Sugilite is also called Lavulite and is named after the Japanese petrologist Ken-ichi Sugi who first discovered it on Iwagi Islet in Japan in 1944. It shows a range of purple colours from pale lilac to deep purple and magenta. It is a rare stone, with no new finds of it having been made in the past few years.

Geological Description

Sugilite is a rare mineral comprising potassium, sodium, lithium, iron, manganese and aluminium silicate, it has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. It is found in Japan, Canada and South Africa.


I am safe and protected within my own bubble of light, and I work to bring to reality my deepest dreams, as well as the collective dream of a planet of light.

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