Snowflake Obsidian

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Snowflake Obsidian Meanings

Perseverance, past life recall, spirit communication, insight

Chakras: Base, Third eye

Element: Earth

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Capricorn

Number: 8

Snowflake Obsidian Crystal Healing Properties

Snowflake Obsidian is thought to bring self defeating and negative thought patterns and emotions to the surface to clear them. It may clear energetic blocks, fear and obstructions to wholesome thoughts. As such, many think it creates hope and inspires new positive ideas.

Furthermore, it is believed to  allow us to connect with the realm of spirit, totem animals and the environment. As such, helping us to recognise and receive guidance, support and assistance to walk our highest path. In past life work, it may give us insight into present day problems and allows us to release these. In addition, it is believed to be a particularly supportive stone for those with depression, giving them the strength to overcome attitudes of victimisation and an awareness of how to shift their reality for the better.

History and Uses

Obsidian derives its name from an ancient Roman explorer called Obsius who was given a mystical black glass sphere from a volcano by an Ethiopian woman called Xenia. Obsidian has been used since Paleolithic times for making tools because it holds a sharp edge.

Geological Description

Obsidian is a glassy, silica rich rock formed from fast cooling lava, with a hardness of 5 to 5.5. It is an amorphous stone meaning that its structure contains no regular geometric pattern. The “snowflake” pattern is made from white crystal inclusions trapped in the lava as it cooled.


In my process of evolution I call on the Universe and all friends in spirit to show me everything I need to see for my healing and awakening.

Snowflake Obsidian Tumbled StonesSnowflake Obsidian Tumbled Stones
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