Red Azeztulite

Red Azeztulite Meanings

Inner light, regeneration, healing and vitality

Chakras: Base, heart, crown

Element: Storm

Zodiac Sign: All

Number: 1

Red Azeztulite Crystal Healing Properties

Red Azaztulite is thought to be a stone of transformation. This crystal’s extremely pure vibration is felt to be attuned to the highest frequencies. Himalaya Red Azeztulite is thought to stimulate Prana (the spiritual Life Force), enhance courage, vitality, passion and strength, enabling us to transmute low, negative and discordant vibrations.

It is said to aid in the integration of high level light energy vibrations into our bodies and the earth, bringing about cellular regeneration and spiritual purification. Azeztulite is thought to not require cleansing as it is always energised, radiating a pleasant feeling of joy and confident serenity.

History and Uses

Red Azeztulite was found in the Himalayan Mountains in northern India in 2008, in the same place Gold Azeztulite is found. This crystal is thought to be a stone of ascension. Meditating with Azeztulite may allow pure Light frequencies into our bodies and thus the world. This transformation is believed to help us to remember and understand who we really are and how we can facilitate awakening the consciousness of ourselves, community, and planet.

Geological Description

Himalaya Red Azeztulite is a variety of quartz with a hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 7. It comes from a deposit in Northern India.


I act in the world with love and power, kindled by the fire of my passionate commitment to the Light.

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