
Petalite Meanings

Tranquillity, expansion of awareness, opening to the higher worlds

Chakras: Third eye, crown, transpersonal

Element: Wind

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Number: 7

Petalite Crystal Healing Properties

Petalite is thought to be a wonderful stone to assist with meditation, it may help us to connect with the realm of Spirit. It may stimulate a higher awareness and is especially useful for bringing a sense of calm and peace to those who may have experienced trauma.

It is believed to be a high-vibration stone, which is beneficial for healers as it helps open the spiritual channel through which healing is transmitted. Its felt calming qualities are believed to be supportive for situations involving ADHD, ADD, excessive worry or stress, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure and an overactive mind.

Geological Description

Petalite comes in a range of colours from white, grey, pinkish or yellow. It is a lithium sodium aluminium silicate mineral with a hardness of 6 to 6.5 and is found in Australia, Brazil, Sweden, Namibia and Afghanistan.


I allow my consciousness to easily and gently ascend to the higher realms of awareness.

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