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Pearl Meanings

Purity, wisdom, balance

Chakras: All

Element: Water

Zodiac Signs: Gemini

Wedding Anniversary: 3rd and 30th year

Number: 7

Pearl Crystal Healing Properties

The soothing energy of pearls help to overcome negative thought patterns and let go of struggle in life. Connected with the moon and water they help us to attune to the ebb and flow of life, balance emotions and connect us with our inner wisdom. They enhance personal integrity and teach us to love and nurture our true self whilst searching for higher wisdom and truth. They are a protective gem, balancing the chakras, filling the aura with light, dissolving negative attachments and countering psychic attack.

History and Uses

Pearls come in a range of colours, iridescent white with hints of pink, peach or grey, or iridescent black with tones of green blue or violet.  The healing qualities of Cultured pearls are the same as naturally formed pearls. Helping to balance the body’s rhythms and hormonal levels with the cycles of the moon, they are believed to aid in fertility and were used by women to help ease birth. Traditionally they have been used to manage allergies and help ailments of the lungs, eyes and kidneys.

Geological Description

Pearls, like Amber are an organic gem. They’re are made of nacre (a mixture of Aragonite and Calcium) which is secreted by the tissues of molluscs and form as cysts of calcium carbonate around an internal irritation such as a grain of sand.

Picture Jasper Pearl PendantPicture Jasper Pearl Pendant
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Pearl RingPearl Ring
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