Orange Kyanite

Orange Kyanite Meanings

Clairvoyance, Aura cleansing, Connecting with Inner Child, Visualization, Creativity

Chakras: All, especially sacral

Element: Storm

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Libra, Taurus

Number: 4

Orange Kyanite Crystal Healing Properties

Orange Kyanite is thought to balance the sacral chakra and is a wonderful ally for artistic folk. For artists, writers, performers or musicians especially, it is thought to it stimulate creative thinking and imagination. It helps us to connect with the playfulness of our inner child-like self enabling us to feel self-confident and optimistic without fear of judgement from others. Lastly, it may enhance self-esteem, and communication, ease depression and encourage us to trust our intuition when making decisions.

History and Uses

Kyanite derives its name from the Greek word kuanos meaning deep blue and used to be named Disthene meaning two strengths, referring to the different hardness of the perpendicular axes of each blade.

Blue, black, green and orange varieties are used for metaphysical purposes. However, it can be found in a range of colours including pink, white, yellow and grey.

Kyanite has heat resistant applications in the industrial world. It has been used in the porcelain of dentistry and bathroom ware, as brake pads and grinding discs and in kiln bricks. Orange Kyanite has traditionally been believed to help with overcoming eating disorders and fertility problems.

Geological Description

Kyanite is an aluminium silicate mineral with a hardness of 4.5 along its crystal axes and 6 to 7 across its axes. It forms elongated, blade like crystals. Orange Kyanite was found recently in Tanzania. It’s orange colour comes from the inclusion of manganese.


I joyfully embrace my playful inner child.

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