Dalmatian Jasper

Dalmatian Jasper Meanings

Fun, Joy

Chakras: Base, Sacral

Element: Earth

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Number: 9

Dalmatian Jasper Crystal Healing Properties

Dalmatian Jasper is believed to reconnect us with our playful nature. Similarly, it is thought to balance Yin and Yang energies and aligns the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies with the etheric realm.

Also, it is believed to be helpful in overcoming depression, nightmares and negative thinking. Dalmatian Jasper is of particular use when feeling stuck in life as it is thought to help transform outworn thinking patterns or over-analysing, to enable one to move forward in life with composure. It has also been used to calm, train and communicate with animals.

History and Uses

Also called Dalmatian Stone, this stone’s name is derived from its resemblance to the black and brown spotted Dalmatian dogs. It was referred to in ancient Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Assyrian texts where it was used as a protection amulet. It was believed to warn the wearer of danger and fortify the spirit.

Geological Description

Although it is called Dalmatian Jasper this stone is actually an igneous rock made up of a variety of feldspar called Albite with a small amount of Quartz and Arfvedsonite. As such, giving this stone its black or brown spots. It is a mineral with a hardness of 5.5 to 7 and is found in Chihuahua in Mexico.


I go with the flow of the Universe knowing that I’m protected.

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