Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone Meanings

Grounding, prosperity, discovering and achieving the soul’s purpose

Chakras: All

Element: Earth

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Aquarius

Number: 3

Chrysanthemum Stone Crystal Healing Properties

Chrysanthemum stones are thought to be crystals of good fortune, they are a magnet for positive synchronicities. By helping us find our true purpose in life, they may activate our dormant capabilities and give us the courage to live our dreams. It is felt to encourage us to embrace our inner child, opening up to true abundance, overcoming fears of limitations and allowing us to manifest our ideas in the physical world.

History and Uses

Named for its resemblance to the flower, Chrysanthemum Stone has been traditionally used as a fertility stone for women prone to fibroid masses or cystitis. They have also been used as grounding stones for time travel, shamanic work, astral travel and manifestation.

Geological Description

Chrysanthemum stone is made up of gypsum, clay, dolomite and limestone with internal crystals of Calcite, Celestite or Andalusite. It is found in Japan, Canada, China and the USA.


I give myself freely to the inner call of my soul and will follow it to the full fruition of its purpose.

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