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Chalcopyrite Meanings

Joy, balance

Chakras: All

Element: Earth

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Taurus

Number: 9

Chalcopyrite Crystal Healing Properties

Chalcopyrite, also called Peacock Ore is thought to be an uplifting stone. It may ground nervous energy which allows the body and mind to let go of stress and embrace calm. It may be used to enhance our perception and awaken inner sight.

Chalcopyrite is believed to remove energy blockages, cleansing, activating and aligning the chakras and energy bodies at the same time. It is also thought to be an excellent aid to increase self-esteem, banish fears and doubts, and soothe the emotions.

History and Uses

Chalcopyrite is also called Peacock Ore because of its beautiful iridescent pink, blue, green gold and purple colours resembling the feathers of a peacock. These colours come from the oxidation of the iron and copper on the surface of the crystal.

Traditionally, Chalcopyrite has been used to stimulate new ideas, find new friendships and lost objects.

Geological Description

Chalcopyrite is a copper iron sulphide mineral with a hardness of 3.5 to 4, found in Peru, Mexico and Australia.


I am filled with the infinite healing energy of the Universe.

Pyrite Chalcopyrite Specimen PeruPyrite Chalcopyrite Specimen Peru
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