
Azeztulite Meanings

Inner light, alternate realities, joy and serenity

Chakras: All including the etheric chakras above the body

Element: Storm

Zodiac Signs: All

Number: 1

Azeztulite Crystal Healing Properties

Azeztulite is believed to be a vessel to carry the energy of the “Nameless Light”. It is thought to allow connection and communication with the Azez, inter-dimensional, angelic beings committed to aiding the evolution of humanity and the Earth. A rare and light bearing crystal, Azeztulite is a stone for the New Age. It is felt to hold an extremely pure vibration and is attuned to the highest frequencies. It brings these frequencies down to the earth, inducing a powerful vibrational shift to aid spiritual evolution and to connect us with the alternate realms of energy around us. Azeztulite is thought to not require cleansing as it is always energised, radiating a pleasant feeling of joy and confident serenity.

History and Uses

Only milky Quartz marketed by Heaven & Earth can carry the trademarked name Azeztulite White Azeztulite has been used as a meditation tool to help release shields and blocks which enables expansion of awareness and promotes the ability to have a greater scope of understanding and envision limitless future possibilities.

Geological Description

Azeztulite is a variety of quartz with a hexagonal crystal system and a hardness of 7. They are colourless, white or a mixture of the two and their shape is irregular. The original Azeztulite came from a single find in North Carolina in 1970, and a second deposit was uncovered in Vermont over 30 years later.


I open myself to the frequency of the Nameless Light, and I am willing to be a vehicle through which this energy can spread throughout the world.

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